Friday, March 27, 2015

"Thou shalt not curse the people : for they are blessed."
Numbers 22:12

A prophet - a man God speaks to and makes his will known - was named Balaam. One day some rich men came to his house with a message. They said that King Balak wanted him and would offer him a great reward if he came. Balaam said he needed a night to pray and discover God's will. God told him not to go because Balak wanted him to curse the children of Israel. The Israelites were traveling close to Balak's land and he'd heard stories about them. He was afraid of them. God told Balaam that the Israelites were blessed and he shouldn't curse them. So Balaam told the messengers to leave and they left. 
Balak sent more princes with even greater payments and asked Balaam to come see him. He told the messengers, "If Balak would give me his full of silver and gold, I cannot go beyond the Lord my God, to do less or more." But he told the messengers to stay and he would speak to God again to determine his will. 
This time God told him to go, but not to say anything about the Israelites except what God led him to say. Balaam knew God wasn't happy with him, but Balaam wanted the payment from Balak. So he left the next morning on his donkey.
The donkey became scared of something and left the road. It turned into a field, going the wrong way. Balaam grew angry and hit the donkey. But again the donkey turned away from the road. Balaam hit the donkey again and it fell down, still afraid. Then God worked a miracle and made the donkey speak. She asked Balaam why he was hitting her and why he was so mean to her. Balaam said he wished he had a sword so he could kill her.
"Have I ever acted like this before?" The donkey said. 
"No," Balaam said. 
Then he saw God's angel standing in front of him, a sword in his hand. Balaam fell on his face. The donkey had seen the angel and that's why she'd turned off the road. Balaam couldn't see him until God opened his eyes. Now he was afraid and wanted to return home, but the angel told him to move forward, but he would only be able to speak the words God allowed him to speak. 
Sometimes, if you've been told not to do something, do you think about it and still desire to do it, like Balaam? Maybe you keep asking to do it until you're given permission to do it or you do it anyway. Then you get excited and eager but become unkind to anything that hinders you. Have you then found that nothing good comes from getting your own way?


1. What is a prophet?
2. Who sent for Balaam?
3. What did God tell Balaam ?
4. But what did Balaam wish ?
5. How did he get leave to go at last?
6. But who stood in his way ?
7. Who saw the angel at first ?
8. What did Balaam do to the donkey?
9. What miracle did God work?
10. What did the donkey say?
11. Whom did Balaam see?
12. What did the angel tell him?
13. What had he been allowed to have?

14. Does good come of having our own way?

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