Saturday, March 21, 2015

Aaron Chosen as the High Priest

"The rod of Aaron for the house of Levi was budded, and brought forth buds, and bloomed blossoms, and yielded almonds." Numbers 17:8

God chose the high priest and his job was to offer sacrifices. The priest had to kill a lamb, goat or a bull by the altar and give it to God. This was before Jesus came. Jesus was the Son of God, and he died on the cross to take away our sin. Now that He has come and died, we don't sacrifice animals to God anymore. We remember Jesus' sacrifice when we take communion at church. 
The high priest had a beautiful tunic to wear. He wore a mitre on his head with a gold plate on it, and the words "Holiness unto the Lord". He wore a blue, red and white robe embroidered with gold and bells and pomegranates around the hem. He wore a scarf called an ephod and a breastplate made of twelve precious stones, each engraved with a name of a tribe of Israel. 
God said He would choose the high priest, so He told Moses to tell the chief man of each tribe to bring him a dry rod or staff and put them in the Holy Place of the tabernacle they built. The one whose rod would grow again, just as if it were still on a tree, would be the high priest. When the men returned the next morning, one of the rods had budded with green leaves and white flowers while the other eleven were still dry branches. It was Aaron's rod. This was God's way of letting the Israelites know that Aaron and his sons and grandsons after him were always to be priests. 


1. What was a priest?
2. What was his job?
3. What was a sacrifice?
4. How was it offered?
5. What creatures were killed ?
6. Where were they put ?
7. What was this to make the children of Israel think of?
8. Why don't we kill animals now?
9. Who has been sacrificed?
10. What did the high-priest wear on his head ?
11. What color was his dress?
12. How was it decorated?
13. What was on his chest?
14. What did God say He would show them?
15. What were the twelve men told to bring ?
16. Where were the rods put ?
17. What was to show who should be priest?
18. What were the eleven rods like in the morning?
19. But how did one look?
20. Whose was it?
21. What was Aaron chosen to be?

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