Friday, March 13, 2015

"There was not a house in which there was not one dead."
Exodus 12:30

Moses told the Israelite families what to do - take a lamb, kill it and roast it whole that evening. They needed to take some of its blood and use it to make a mark on the doorpost of their house. Then the families needed dress and pack for a journey and eat the lamb for their supper that night.
The Israelites obeyed God, and while they were eating supper there was a great shout. A great cry followed. God's angel had come and every house not marked with blood from a lamb had lost their first born son. The deaths were everywhere - even in Pharaoh's palace where he lost his own son. Even the first born of the cattle died because the Egyptians used to worship them. But if the angel saw the blood on the doorpost it passed over the house and the oldest son was saved. 
Pharaoh was sorry at last and said that the people who had brought his land such trouble could leave and go wherever they liked.


1. Where were the Israelites living ?
2. What hard work had they to do ?
3. Who said they should leave ?
4. Who would not let them go ?
5. What did God tell the Israelites to eat?
6. How were they to be dressed while they ate it ?
7. What were they to do with the blood ?
8. Who was going to pass over the land that night?
9. What did the angel do where he did not see any blood on the doorpost ?
10. Who were frightened then?

11. What did the Pharaoh say?

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