Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Plagues of Locusts and Darkness

"The Lord hardened Pharaoh's heart, so that he would not let the children of Israel go." Exodus 10:20

Pharaoh and the people of Egypt had not learned from the earlier plagues and warnings. Seven plagues had already passed, but the king wouldn't release the people. So God sent a plague of locusts. 
Locusts are like large grasshoppers. They came to Egypt in a swarm and ate every green leaf and blade of grass. The earth was bare and the trees were dry sticks. There wasn't anything left to eat.
Pharaoh then told Moses that the men could leave, but the women and children had to stay. Then he had Moses and Aaron thrown out of his palace. 
God told Moses to hold his hand up to heaven. When he did, darkness fell over Egypt. It was so dark no fire or candle could give light. People said it could "be felt." No one moved around in the city for three days. But where the children of Israel were camped, the sun rose and set as usual. In this way God showed Egypt that the Israelites were his people. 
Pharaoh changed his mind again and set all the people could go but they had to leave their cattle behind. Moses told him, no, the cattle must come too. Pharaoh's heart grew hard again and he made Moses leave the palace again, swearing that Moses would never see his face again. 
Moses told him, "You've spoken the truth. I won't see your face again."
This ended the last hope for Pharaoh. He wouldn't have another chance to obey God. Let's be careful to not be like him. 


1. How many plagues of Egypt were there ?
2. Which plagues already happened?
3. What are the two plagues in this lesson?
4. What are locusts?
5. What harm do locusts do?
6. Who did Pharaoh say could go?
7. Whom would he not let go ?
8. What plague came then ?
9. What made the darkness so horrible?
10. How long did it last ?
11. Who were not in the dark?
12. What did Pharaoh say then?
13. What did he want to keep back?
14. And how did he then change ?
15. What did he say to Moses?

16. How did Moses answer?

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