Friday, March 20, 2015

Only The Priests Could Offer Incense

"And seek ye the priesthood also." Numbers 16:10

God chose Aaron and his sons to be priests. A priest had a special job. He had to offer the sacrifices to God and burn incense to Him. Incense is made of dried plants and has a sweet smell when it's burnt. The priests had bronze urns with holes at the top and they carried the urns with a chain attached to it. The smoke of the incense would rise up to God as a reminder of our prayers rising to God. 
God also said that part of the Israelites, a family called the Levites (because they were descendants of Levi) should take care of the holy things used in God's service, but only the priests could offer sacrifices and incense.
One of the Levites was named Korah. He wanted to do more. He was angry because Aaron was over the priesthood. He forgot that God had set Aaron as a priest. But Korah persuaded two hundred and fifty men to come and get the urns used to burn incense and burn incense to God, just as if they were priests. Because they did it in pride and self-will, God was angry with them. The fire burst out of the urns and burned the men, and they died.
Their wives and children lived and promised to follow God. They would sing God's praises in the Psalms. But the people always remembered after this that only a priest could offer a sacrifice or burn incense before God.


1. What did a priest do?
2. What was a sacrifice?
3. What was incense ?
4. What was it burnt in ?
5. Who was the only people allowed to offer sacrifice and incense ?
6. Who was the right priest?
7. How did Aaron become a priest?
8. Who wanted to offer incense?
9. What did Korah say?
10. How many came with him?
11. What did they try to do?
12. What happened to the two hundred and fifty?
13. Why were they punished ?
14. What became of Korah's children ?

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