Saturday, March 28, 2015

"There shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel." Numbers 24:17

The Israelites wanted to pass through King Balak's land. They promised they would stay on the road and wouldn't leave it, but he was afraid of them. He'd heard the stories of the battles they'd fought with other kings. So Balak wanted to have the Israelites cursed. He wanted to bring God's anger on them. 
This was very mean of King Balak, but he didn't know God wouldn't let harm come upon his people. Balak tried to have the prophet Balaam curse the Israelites, but when Balaam spoke, he could only speak blessings over the people. He could only say that God was taking care of them and would be their king. He promised that a Star would come from the tribe of Jacob and a Sceptre would rise to be king. 
This meant that our Savior would come from the Israelites. This was Jesus. He was called a Star because He came to give us light. A bright star also marked the place where He was born. A sceptre is something a king carries in his hand. When Jesus is called the Sceptre it means that He will be king. 
Balak was very angry when Balaam didn't curse the Israelites but only blessed them. It wasn't God's will for him to hurt the Israelites. Balak went on with his wicked life and God continued to take care of his people. 
Remember that bad words and bad wishes do harm to the person who speaks them, not those they are meant for. If someone bullies you, know that God will take care of you just as he took care of the Israelites. Tell your parents or a pastor about the problem, and pray for the bully, because God loves him too. 


1. What did Balak want?
2. Why did he want the Israelites to be cursed?
3. Whom did he set to curse the Israelites?
4. But what did Balaam do instead?
5. Why could he not curse them ?
6. Who would not let him curse them ?
7. Who was to be born among them ?
8. What did Balaam call our Saviour?
9. Why was He like a star?
10. Why was He like a sceptre?
11. Could Balak hurt the Israelites?
12. Why not?
13. Whom do bad words hurt ?
14. Why do we need to watch what we say ?

15. What should you do if someone bullies you?

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