Sunday, March 15, 2015

Crossing the Red Sea

"The children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea." Exodus 14:16

The Egyptians had lost their first born sons and the Israelites had been freed. They were leaving Egypt and their life of slavery. 
But Pharaoh's hard heart turned again with anger. He called his chariots and horsemen together and followed the children of Israel to bring them back into Egypt. When he caught up to them, they were at the shores of the Red Sea. 
The Israelites were afraid when they saw Pharaoh coming. They couldn't go forward because of the sea and they couldn't go back because Pharaoh was there. But God spoke to Moses and told him not be afraid. The people just needed to stand still and see how God would save them.
God Himself showed the people he was with them. He'd been leading them in a pillar of cloud, but God moved within the pillar behind the Israelites, between them and the Egyptians, and made it dark to the Egyptians but gave light to the Israelites, even though it was night time. 
God told Moses to stretch his staff out over the sea. Moses obeyed and something amazing happened. The waves of the sea parted and stood up on each side. Between the wall of water there was a wide open space for the children of Israel to cross the sea, safe and dry. The people started across - men, women and children - with the waves standing still on each side of them.
Pharaoh saw they were crossing and tried to follow them. But when the Israelites had finished crossing, Pharaoh and his army was in the middle of the sea. The walls fell and the sea returned to its full strength again. Pharaoh and his army were lost in the sea where they sank like lead in the mighty water. 
The Israelites were standing on the other side of the sea and they knew they were free. They began to sing hymns of joy to God who had set them free. 
We sing hymns of joy to God, too, because of Jesus who set us free.


1. What last plague had come on Egypt?
2. Who had left Egypt ?
3. What did Pharaoh do ?
4. What was leading the Israelites?
5. What was behind them?
6. Where did the pillar of cloud go?
7. How were the Egyptians cut off from them ?
8. What wonder did God work?
9. Where did the Israelites cross?
10. Who came after them ?
11. What became of the Egyptians ?
12. Who were free ?
13. Who had made them free ?

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