Monday, March 23, 2015

The Brass Serpent Cures the Israelites

"As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up." John 3:14

The Israelites weren't very patient. Anytime they had a problem, they began to complain and worry. They didn't remember that God was taking care of them and He does what is best for us. 
There was part of the journey that covered a lot of steep, stony ground. It was very hot and uncomfortable. When the Israelites saw the path ahead they started to complain and spoke out against God and Moses.
So again God punished them. He made little snakes that live in the desert come out of their hiding places. The snakes bit the complainers and they died. The others then said they were sorry and to please make the snakes stop. 
God told Moses what to do. Moses had to melt some brass and made the form of a serpent, one that looked like the little snakes that had bitten them, and put it on a pole. If anyone who had been bitten would come and look at the brass serpent his bite would get well and he wouldn't die.
This was a miracle God provided to teach the Israelites to trust in him. And we remember the brass serpent even today. If you look at the mark of a doctor today, the mark is a serpent on a pole. This image still stands for healing today.


1. What sort of place did the Israelites have to travel over?
2. How did they like it ?
3. What did they do?
4. Why shouldn't they have complained?
5. Who had been taking care of them?
6. How did God punish them?
7. What happened when the serpents bit them ?
8. What were they sorry for ?
9. What did Moses have to make?
10. Where did he put the brazen serpent?
11. What were they to do if they were bit?
12. What cured them?

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