Sunday, March 29, 2015

The Israelites Choose to Turn Away

"The people did eat, and bowed down to their gods."
Numbers 25:2

Balaam went to Balak and God made him bless the children of Israel when he wanted to curse them. But this didn't make Balaam good. He wanted the promised reward from Balak. So he told Balak that if he could make the people of Israel do something wicked and turn away from God, then God would punish them. 
So the two men sent women to the Israelites to invite them to a feast. The feast was to honor their idol Baal Peor. Many were foolish and accepted the invitation to the feast. They had made the choice to sin by going to the feast. God sent an illness and in one day 24,000 people died. 
But Phinehas, Aaron's grandson, did as Moses had commanded him. He first killed the wickedest of the people who had feasted and joined with Baal Peor. Then he prayed and cried over what had happened. The people prayed and cried too. God forgave them and stopped the illness.
Afterwards Phinehas led the Israelite men to punish Balak and his people. Balaam was killed during the fighting. All the wicked women who had tempted the Israelites were also killed. This ended Balaam's evil counsel. 
It's sad to think of Balaam, because he knew what was good and right to do but he chose to do the wrong thing. Remember that no one could hurt God's people until they chose to do wrong. Then God punished them. 
But today, because Jesus has come, God sees Jesus and how he died for our sins. He sees us through Jesus and gives us mercy and grace when we do the wrong things. 


1. What did Balak want to do?
2. How had Balak tried to hurt the children of Israel?
3. Why couldn't Balaam curse them ?
4. What did Balaam think would be the way to hurt them ?
5. Whom did he send to them ?
6. Whom did the women persuade them to worship ?
7. What did God send to punish them ?
8. How was the plague stopped ?
9. How was Balaam punished?
10. Why was Balaam to be blamed ?
11. When could not Balaam hurt the Israelites?
12. When could he hurt them?

13. For who took care of them when they were good ?
14. Who has saved us and offers us grace?

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