Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Final Plague Comes

"He smote all the first-born in Egypt." Psalm 78:51

Nine sad plagues had come upon the Egyptians - the blood for water, frogs, lice, flies, the cattle's death, the boils, the hail, locusts and darkness. But there was one plague more, the last and the worst. This would make the Egyptians let the people of Israel go, so they had to be ready. 
It would be a horrible night. God told Moses that His angel would pass over the whole land of Egypt that night and in each house the oldest son would die. No one would be spared, from Pharaoh's palace to the poorest home in the city. Because they had killed the Israelite's children, God was going to take theirs. 
The people of Israel had to do something to protect their homes so the angel would pass over them. God told Moses to have the Israelite families eat a lamb for supper that night. They needed to take some of the blood from the lamb and make a mark on the doorpost outside. When the angel saw the mark he would pass over the house and no one would die. If they would do this, God would bless them and set them free.
The people believed God and they obeyed him.


1. How many plagues of Egypt were there?
2. Can you repeat them?
3. What were they all for ?
4. Who would not let them go ?
5. What was the last plague?
6. Who were to die?
7. Why were the Egyptians going to lose their children?
8. Who would slay them?
9. Whom would the angel spare?
10. How were the Israelites to mark their houses?
11. With what blood?

12. What were they to do with the lamb ?

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