Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Call of Moses

"I have surely seen the affliction of my people." Exodus 3:7

Joseph brought his father and brothers and their families to live in Egypt. Their descendants lived there for many years, and God was faithful to expand the family and make them a great people. They were all called the Children of Israel. But the new king of Egypt was cruel to them. He made them work hard to build bricks and towns for him. When the people continued to grow, the king then ordered that if a boy was born to the Children of Israel he should be killed. 
One mother hid her baby son for three months. When she couldn't hide him anymore, she put him into a cradle of rushes and covered it with tar so it would be watertight. She let the cradle float on the river and the boy's sister watched him. The king's daughter soon came down to the river to bathe. She saw the cradle and had her servants bring it to her. She saw the baby in the cradle and it was crying. The king's daughter pitied him and decided to bring him home and raise him as her own child. She needed a nurse and the boy's sister appeared and offered to find a nurse. The princess agreed, and the girl brought their mother and she became his nurse.
He was named Moses and he grew up in the king's palace. When he was grown he'd learned that he was adopted by the king's daughter and was born a Hebrew. The king had grown angry with him because Moses cared for the Hebrew people, so Moses left the king's palace and went to live in the wilderness. He became a shepherd and raised sheep with his wife's family.
One day he was keeping the sheep and he saw something wonderful. He saw a flame in a bush but the bush wasn't burning. God's voice spoke to him out of the fire and told him about the troubles of His people, the children of Israel, were to end. God was going to save them from the cruel Egyptians and he wanted Moses to lead them. 
God told Moses that he would bring them to a good land that God had prepared for them and promised Abraham they would have one day. Moses was to go to the king and them that it was God's will for the people to go.
Moses was afraid at first, and had a lot of questions. But God promised to help him and to send him help. 


1. Who was Moses?
2. Where was he put when he was a baby?
3. Why was he put on the river?
4. Who had said the little boys were to be drowned?
5. Whose babies were they that were to be drowned?
6. What other cruel things did the King of Egypt do to the children of Israel ?
7. Who were called the children of Israel?
8. What became of Moses in his cradle?
9. Who brought him up?
10. Did he stay with the king's daughter?
11. Whom did he care for?
12. What wonder did Moses see?
13. Who spoke to him?
14. What was God going to do for his people?
15. What land would He give them?
16. Who had the first promise that his children should have the good land?

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