Saturday, February 14, 2015

Joseph's Brothers Return

"God Almighty give you mercy before the man." Genesis 43:14

Joseph's brothers had to return to Egypt to buy more corn. Joseph had told them to bring Benjamin, their youngest brother, with them. But their father, Jacob, was sad and upset now that he knew what they'd done to Joseph. He wouldn't let Benjamin go. But Judah promised to take care of him, and Jacob trusted Judah. 
When Joseph saw his younger brother, he was so full of emotion he couldn't stop his tears. He had to leave his duties and he cried for a long time in his room. But still he tested his brothers He wanted to see if they envied Benjamin, his father's favorite son, the way they'd envied him. He had his servant hide his cup in Benjamin's sack of corn. Then the servant went after them, pretending they'd stolen the valuable cup. 
The brothers told the servant to search the sacks. The cup wouldn't be found. But when they took the sacks down and opened them, the cup was in Benjamin's sack! 
The brothers were shocked and surprised. The servant said Benjamin must return with him to be punished. But their hearts had changed since they'd plotted to kill Joseph so many years ago. Instead they were sad and upset at the thought of losing their brother. 


1. What had Joseph's brothers done to him?
2. What trouble did you hear last Sunday he was in ?
3. But how did he behave?
4. And what had he come to be?
5. What had he stored up?
6. Who came to buy corn?
7. How many brothers came?
8. Which did not come?
9. Why didn't Benjamin come?
10. Did the brothers know Joseph?
11. What did he tell them to do?
12. When he saw Benjamin, where did he go?
13. What did Joseph tell his steward to do?
14. What did Joseph want to see?
15. How did the brothers behave this time?     

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