Saturday, February 28, 2015

More Plagues On Egypt

"There is none like me in all the earth." Exodus 9:14

God spoke to Moses from a burning bush and told him to lead the children of Israel away from the people in Egypt who were cruel to them. 
But the king of Egypt, called Pharaoh, wouldn't let them go. God sent plagues to them as a message and punishment, but Pharaoh wouldn't change his mind. God sent ten plagues, and you hear about three of them to this day.
First, the sheep and cows that the Egyptians worshiped got sick and died. Then the people got sick and had sores all over their body. Then God sent a terrible storm with thunder and lightning and hail so big it killed anyone in the fields and broke all the tree branches. Pharaoh was frightened at the storm and said the people could go. 
So Moses prayed to God and the storm stopped. When everything was still again, Pharaoh changed his mind and said the people couldn't leave. God continued to be angry at him for this. 
Sometimes we're a little bit like Pharaoh when we say, "No, I won't," when we're asked to do something. Even when we're punished, we stay stubborn and say, "No one will force me to do that!" And we make our hearts hard when we do this. It's sad because this hardness is wrong. It hurts us and it hurts God. 
Pray to God to help you when you feel stubborn and feel your heart harden. Ask him to teach you to obey. And don't forget and do the same thing again when the punishment is over, or it will have done you no good and you will have to be punished again. 


1. What did God want Pharaoh to do?
2. Who spoke God's words to Pharaoh ?
3. But what did Pharaoh say ?
4. Who was Pharaoh?
5. Who was Moses?
6. What was done to Pharaoh ?
7. Did he mind ?
8. Tell me the three plagues we hear of today.
9. How many plagues were there in all ?
10. What happened in the thunderstorm ?
11. What did Pharaoh say when he was frightened?
12. So what stopped?
13. But did he let the people go?
14. What fault in us is the same as Pharaoh's?
15. What should we do?
16. Who can help us to fight with their obstinate temper?

17. But how must we get God's help?

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