Friday, February 6, 2015

Joseph Goes to Egypt

"His brethren envied him." Genesis 37:11

You know how Jacob left home and God promised to take care of him. God led Jacob to his uncle and Jacob lived with him for a long time. He took care of his uncle's animals and one day had a large flock of his own. Jacob came back to his home in Canaan after many years. He had twelve sons, and his favorite son was Joseph. Jacob loved him very much, and gave him a special coat to wear. This coat was made with many colors, and was usually given to the son who was to be his father's heir. His brothers were jealous. They hated Joseph and envied him. 
When Joseph was seventeen years old, his father Jacob asked him to go to the fields where his brothers were watching the sheep. He wanted to know what they were doing. Joseph didn't tell his father that his brothers were mean to him, so he obeyed his father and went to the fields. His brothers saw him coming and they thought of a plan. They planned to kill Joseph when he reached them. 
But Reuben, the oldest brother, tried to stop them. The others wouldn't listen to Reuben, so he offered another plan. He suggested they put Joseph into a dry well nearby. The others agreed, and when Joseph reached them they put him in the well. They meant to let him die there. 
Reuben planned to come back later and take Joseph out of the well, but another brother named Judah, who didn't want Joseph to die, saw a group traveling nearby. They were merchants on a journey and were filled with all kinds of items and animals. They were going to Egypt to sell their items. Judah persuaded the brothers to let the travelers buy Joseph and they offered him as a slave. 
They took Joseph out of the well and offered him to the merchants. The merchants were impressed, so they paid the price the brothers asked and carried him to Egypt, away from his father and all he'd ever known. 
The brothers kept his colored coat and killed a young goat. They used the goat's blood to stain the coat, then carried it to their father. They told their father a wild animal had killed Joseph. Jacob cried over the loss of his son. The brothers pretended to comfort him and they all stayed quiet and didn't tell the truth about what happened. 


1. Whose son was Jacob?
2. How many sons had Jacob?
3. What did he set them to do ?
4. Which son did he love best?
5. What did he give Joseph ?
6. Where did he send Joseph?
7. What did the brothers want to do ?
8. Who wished to save him?
9. So what did Reuben persuade them to do?
10. What did Reuben mean to do?
11. But who came by?
12. What did the brothers do with Joseph?
13. Who persuaded them to sell him ?
14. What are people called who are bought and sold?
15. What was done with his coat?
16. What did Jacob think had happened ?         

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