Monday, February 2, 2015

Abraham Buys Land

"I am a stranger and a sojourner with you." Genesis 23:4

 Abraham and Sarah were very old and had been together many years. When Sarah died, Abraham wanted to bury her. He didn't have any land of his own in this new country. He was a stranger there, but he knew God had promised it would all belong to his children one day. But he wanted to own the land where Sarah was buried. 
So he went to the prince who owned some fine land, a field with trees on it and a rocky cave called Machpelah. The prince said he would give it to Abraham, but Abraham wanted to make sure it would always be safe. He bought the land using lumps of silver. The silver all weighed the same and each had a mark on it. He gave the prince 400 lumps of silver and the cave was his. Abraham had his dear wife Sarah buried there. When Abraham died years later, he was buried in the cave with Sarah. Many more years later, his son Isaac and Isaac's son was also buried in the cave Machpelah. 
The cave is a sacred place. The land has changed over the years, and there are buildings over the cave now, but the bodies of Abraham and his family are still there, waiting to rise again at the Last Day when we shall see them and know them.     


1. Who was Abraham's wife ?
2. Where did Sarah die?
3. What did Abraham want to do ?
4. Did he own any land ?
5. What did he need to do ?
6. Who owned the land he wanted ?
7. What was it called ?
8. What is a cave ?
9. What did he pay?
10. What was Abraham's money?
11. Who were buried there afterwards?
12. How is the place marked now?
13. When will Sarah's body leave the grave in the cave of Machpelah?
14. What do you say you believe in? 
(In the eleventh Article of the Creed )
15. What is Resurrection ?      

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