Thursday, February 5, 2015

Jacob Returns to Canaan

"As a prince hast them prevailed." Genesis 38:28

Jacob had a long journey, but God took care of him and brought him safely to his mother's old home. He lived there for a long time and took care of his uncle's sheep and cows. Soon he'd earned sheep and cows of his own. He got married and had many children. 
But one day God told him to go back to Canaan. Jacob was afraid because he thought his brother, Esau, might still be angry with him. In spite of his fear, Jacob did go home to Canaan. 
He was near the river Jordan on the east side of Canaan and he stopped to ask God to guard him. God let him see the angels surrounding him and protecting him. This helped him feel better, but he was still very careful. 
Jacob chose gifts from his animals - from his cows and goats, camels, sheep and donkeys, and send the gift ahead to Esau. Then he sent the rest of his animals and his family, including his youngest son, Joseph, to a safe place nearby. 
Jacob saw Esau coming out to meet him. His brother wasn't angry. They met, hugged each other tight and kissed each other on the cheek. God kept his promise to take care of Jacob. Jacob kept his promise to God. He made an altar at a place called Bethel, where he'd seen the angels before, and he praised and blessed God. 


1. Who was Jacob ?
2. Why had he left home ?
3. With whom did he go to live?
4. What did he earn there?
5. Why did he go back ?
6. Why was he afraid ?
7. But what comforted him ?
8. Whom did God's angels care for ?
9. What did he give Esau?
10. How did he put his family in order?
11. Who went last?
12. How did Esau meet him?
13. What was the quarrel between them?
14. Was Esau angry?

15. How did Jacob show he was thankful ?                                                    

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