Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Jacob's Vision

"This is none other but the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven." Genesis 28:17

Abraham's son Isaac had two sons named Jacob and Esau. Esau was angry with Jacob because he had received his father's blessing, even though Esau hadn't cared for it until he'd lost it. Esau was so angry with Jacob that Jacob had to leave his home. 
Jacob knew that God was with him, and he traveled as far as he could until night came. He stopped in a dark and stony field. There wasn't a house nearby and no shelter. Only a few plants could grow among the stones. He said his prayers then lay down on the ground, using a stone as a pillow with only the sky over him. 
During the night he had a vision from heaven. He saw a ladder reaching from earth to heaven. God's angels were going up and down and the Lord Himself stood at the top of the ladder. He told Jacob that he was going to give his children all the land he could see in all directions. God told Jacob He would take care of him and be with him everywhere he went and would one day bring him home safe. 
When Jacob woke he knew the vision was true and God had really spoken to him. He was glad but also afraid, and said, "How dreadful is this place! This is none other but the house of God and this is the gate of heaven." So that he would always know the place where he had the vision, he stacked some of the stones upright and took some of the olive oil he'd brought with im and poured it on the stones. This was the only thing he could do to show honor to God. He made a vow that if God would take care of him as he traveled, providing him with food to eat and clothes to wear, he would give God a tenth of all he had for the rest of his life. Ever since, good people like Jacob have given God a tenth of what they have.  
If God would give us a vision like he did Jacob, and allow us to see, we would also see His angels coming up and down with blessings for us, for we go to the house of God and gate of heaven whenever we go to church. Always remember how Jacob felt being so near to God. 


1. Who was Jacob?
2. Who was Isaac?
3. Who was Esau ?
4. Why did Jacob go away ?
5. What was the promise ?
6. What kind of place did he sleep in ?
7. What was his pillow ?
8. But what did he see ?
9. Who went up and down?
10. Who stood at the top?
11. What did God promise him ?
12. What did Jacob say of the place ?
13. How did he mark it ?
14. What did he pour on the stone?
15. What vow did he make?
16. What are our houses of God?
17. Who come up and down to us?
18. What do the angels bring us?
19. How much did Jacob promise to give to God ?
20. What does God do for us ?            

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