Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Joseph Identifies Himself to His Brothers

"God did send me before you to preserve life." Genesis 45:5

All the brothers were scared when they found that Benjamin had the silver cup in his sack. They didn't know how it got there, but they knew if Benjamin had to stay behind their father's heart would break.
They returned to Egypt and Judah stood before him. He told him about their father and how he would die if Benjamin didn't return. Judah then offered himself in Benjamin's place.
Joseph was moved at Judah's offer of sacrifice for Benjamin. He sent everyone away and told the brothers who he was - that he was their brother Joseph who had been sold into slavery long ago. He hugged them all and cried for joy. He asked about his father, then told them not to be upset at what had happened before. God had worked it all out for good and allowed Joseph to be the way their lives were saved because he was over the grain stores in Egypt. 
"Go home, brothers," he said," and tell our father that I am alive and a I am a great and powerful man. Then bring him to me, along with your families, and come live with me here and I will take care of you." 
Joseph forgave his brothers and forgot all of the hurt they had done to him. He loved them with all his heart. When the brothers returned home their father couldn't believe the news. Finally, he did, and he said, "Joseph, my son, is still alive! I will see him before I die."
The family returned to Egypt and Joseph ran to meet them. He hugged his father and kissed him, and there was joy for Jacob because it was like Joseph had returned from the dead.
Jacob lived the rest of his life in Egypt and was happy with his son Joseph. God changed his name to Israel and his sons and their sons after them were then always called the Children of Israel. 


1. Who was Benjamin?
2. What was found in Benjamin's sack?
3. Who put it there?
4. What was going to be done to Benjamin?
5. Who spoke for him?
6. What did Judah ask?
7. Who did the lord of the land turn out to be ?
8. How did Joseph come to Egypt?
9. Why didn't his brothers recognize him sooner?
10. How did he treat them?
11. Whom did he send for?
12. What did Jacob say?
13. Where did Jacob go to live?
14. Why was it very kind in Joseph to help his brothers?
15. Did he give back to them the harm they had done to him?

16. How could we do like Joseph?

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