Thursday, February 26, 2015

Moses and Aaron Go to Egypt

"And Pharaoh said, Who is the Lord?" Exodus 5:2

God promised Moses help, so he sent his brother Aaron to help him deliver God's message. They went to Pharaoh and told him that the people were to leave and go worship God. But Pharaoh asked, "Who is the Lord, that I should obey His voice to let Israel go? I don't know the Lord and I won't let Israel go." 
Then he became more cruel to the children of Israel. He made them work harder and beat them if they didn't do all the work given to them. They were making bricks, and Pharaoh made them make bricks but didn't give them the straw they needed. He said they needed to find it themselves but they needed to make just as many bricks as before.
The children of Israel cried out and were angry with Moses. They said he'd brought more trouble on them. They were miserable and wished Moses and Aaron hadn't come. They said he made them worse off instead of better.
Aaron was a better speaker than Moses, and that's why God sent him to help Moses. Aaron spoke to the Israelites and asked them to wait just a bit longer. Soon it would be over and they wouldn't have to make bricks anymore and would then go to the beautiful country God had for them. Some of the Israelite's remembered their grandfathers and great-grandfathers had described that country they'd come from. They'd been told it was a country with steep hills and a river, green valleys and bright streams, thick woods, gardens and vineyards.
Cows were in the pastures and the wild rocks and hollow trees filled with bees nests, so it was called a land of milk and honey. The Israelites should have wanted to hear of this place, but they didn't care. They wanted to know what they were going to have for supper instead of thinking about a land far away. 
People are often like that when they care about the "right now" instead of the "by and by." If we want just what pleases us today, instead of caring what will be good for us as we grow older, we become stubborn like the Israelites who wouldn't listen to Moses or God.


1. Who was Pharaoh ?
2. Who were the children of Israel?
3. Who had been sent to call them ?
4. What did Pharaoh say to Moses?
5. How did he use the Israelites?
6. What would he not give them?
7. Who was Moses brother?
8. What was Aaron to do for Moses ?
9. Who spoke to Moses ?
10. Who told the people what God said to Moses?
11. What kind of place did God promise?
12. What did Moses say it flowed with?
13. Why?
14. Did the Israelites care?
15. Why not?
16. When are we like them ?
17. Which should we care for most, now or by-and-by?

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