Friday, February 27, 2015

Plagues Over Egypt

"I will redeem you with a stretched out arm." Exodus 6:6

The Israelites were very unhappy because Pharaoh was cruel to them and they all thought it was Moses' fault. But Moses told them they would be saved and God was going to show them His power and they would remember what He had done for them. He was going to punish Pharaoh because he wouldn't obey him.
God made His power known so that Pharaoh and the children of Israel would know he was the great Lord of heaven and earth and must be obeyed. 
First, Moses stretched out his staff and all of the water in the river turned into blood. For seven days is was all one red stream of blood. Even the water stored in jars was turned to blood. Seven days later Moses stretched the staff out again and it turned back into pure water. But Pharaoh still didn't let them go. 
Then, God sent frogs into the land. There were so many frogs they came into the houses. They were in the bedrooms and the tables - everywhere. Pharaoh couldn't bear them and he said if the frogs would go away he would let the children of Israel go. 
Moses prayed to God and the frogs died. But Pharaoh changed his mind again and wouldn't let the people leave. 
So God sent lice to the people. Lice are a bug, a parasite, that lives on blood from the human scalp. The Egyptians couldn't bear anything dirty, but Pharaoh didn't care. 
Next, God sent swarms of flies into the cities. The flies were buzzing everywhere and even stinging people. Pharaoh said again he would let the people leave, but as soon as the flies died he changed his mind again. 
He was trying to fight against God, and that's why God allowed this miseries on him and the Egyptian people. If people will not do better after being punished, worse and worse is sure to come on them.


l. How did God punish Pharaoh ?
2. What four plagues have I told you of today ?
3. Why did these dreadful things happen?
4. Did Pharaoh care about them?
5. Why did he not mind them ?

6. What happens to those who do not mind being punished ?

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