Saturday, January 24, 2015

The Wonderful Sea

"Hitherto shall thou come, but no further: and here shall thy proud waves be stayed." Job 38:11

God has made such glorious and wonderful things!  Have you ever seen the ocean? There is a great, open space, all water, green close to us but blue further away. The water is always moving, up and down, rising and rippling along then bursting with a white edge of foam bubbles on the shore. 
If you live near the ocean, you know at certain times of the day one wave after another begins to break a bit higher on the beach. Eight waves run the same distance, then the ninth comes much further. Then eight more like that, then another. The beach that had been dry is now covered in water, and where you were walking is now covered. What is this called? 
It's called the tide. What will the tide do in the proper time? Will it come rolling over the beach, sand, pebbles and rocks, and wash us all away, drown us all, and cover up the land? 
No. Each tide will turn. Each wave will be a little less high than the last, till it will have gone back again and left the beach uncovered as before. 
Why does the tide do this? It is because God so wonderfully made this earth and sea that the waters should rise and go back.   
He made the sand the boundaries of the sea, and said, "Hitherto shalt thou come, but no further: and here shall thy proud waves be stayed." 
There is a Psalm sometimes sung on Sundays - 
"The sea is His, and He made it :   
And His hands prepared the dry land."       


1. Which day was the sea and land made?
2. What curious thing does the sea do every day?
3. What do you call the coming in and going back of the sea?
4. Why does the tide always stop in its proper place?
5. What did God make the bound of the sea?
6. What did he say to it?
7. What verse praises God for making the sea? 

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