Thursday, January 29, 2015

Lot is Led Away From Sodom and Gomorrah

"Escape for thy life ; look not behind thee." Genesis 19:17

There was a beautiful valley with steep hills surrounding it and a clear, swift river running through the middle and spreading into a lake. Sheep, cows and goats were eating rich grass in fine fields. Five cities with strong walls around them were placed on the banks of lake. The cities were full of rich people who bought and sold and had fancy parties with the things they possessed. 
One good man lived among them. He was upset at the bad things the people around him were doing. If he said anything to them, they laughed at him. 
One evening two strangers came into the city. He was the only person who took them in and sheltered them from the bad people in the town. 
The strangers told the good man the city was going to be destroyed, along with everyone in it, because it had become so bad. Even though the walls were strong and the fields quiet, they told him everything would be ruined in a just a few hours. 
The strangers told him and his wife and daughters they needed to leave. The strangers led them away from the city at dawn. They told them to go to the mountain and not look back. The family was scared and asked if they could go to another city that was closer instead of the mountain. 
The strangers agreed, and just after dawn they entered the small town nearby. As soon as they were safe the four towns, including the city where they had been living, was destroyed with fire and brimstone. All of the bad people who had laughed at the good man were dead. Only the good man and his daughters reached safety because his wife didn't listen to the warning given by the two strangers. She looked back at the city she'd left and became rooted to that spot as a pillar of salt. 
The cities were Sodom and Gomorrah, and the one good man saved by God's mercy was Abram's nephew, Lot. Now a lake called the Dead Sea covers that valley with heavy water and the hills are crusted in salt. This shows God's curse on the place. 
Let's remember one thought from this sad story. This world will one day be destroyed like those cities. It seems safe and prosperous now, but that doesn't make it safe. God will send messengers to lead us out, and if we follow their advice we'll stay out of danger all our lives and will go to a safe home in heaven. But if we only care for the pleasant things of earth, it's like looking back. That's why Jesus reminded us, "Remember Lot's wife." We should remember her when we are tempted to think it's hard to give up things of the world and listen to God's call.

1. What was the name of the place I told you of today?
2. What was the name of the man ?
3. What kind of place was Sodom ?
4. Who was the only good man there ?
5. Who came to Lot ?
6. What did he do for the strangers ?
7. What did the strangers tell Lot ?
8. Why was Lot to leave Sodom?
9. Why was Sodom to be destroyed ?
10. Where did Lot go?
11. Who looked back?
12. What became of her?
13. What did God do to Sodom?
14. What sort of place is it now?
15. What will be burnt up some day?
16. If we are not good, what will become of us?
17. What teaches us to be good?
18. And how must we try to come out, like Lot ?

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