Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Abram Received God's Blessing

"In thee shall all families of the earth be blessed." Genesis 12:3

When Noah's grandchildren and great grandchildren multiplied and the world was full of people again, they still were not all good. As time went on they grew worse. 
But God called to a very good man named Abram, and told him that if he would move away from his home, God would show him a new land to call his own, and God would bless him and give the land to Abram's children and their children. God told Abram his children would be more than the grains of sand on the seashore or the stars in the sky. God told Abram that from his children all the nations of the earth would be blessed. 
Abram thought it was strange to hear this from God because he was an old man. He and his wife, Sarai, didn't have a child. But he believed in God. He believed God is Almighty and can whatever He will. So he did as God said and moved from his home to the land God showed him. 
He brought all of his animals with him - his cows, goats, sheep, camels and donkeys. He brought servants to care for the animals. When they reached a place with grass and fresh water, they would stop to rest. They only had tents made with goat hair and set up with poles. They could set up and take down the tents as they needed. Abram and Sarai and all their servants all lived in tents instead of in a house in a city. 
 Soon they came to a beautiful country. There were high hills rising up and green valleys full of grass for the sheep and cows. The glorious blue sea spread far away towards the west. God told Abram to look at the land, for this was the place his children would call their own. At the time, though, Abram didn't have any of it, and he still didn't have a child. 
But he was sure God was telling the truth, that somehow - he didn't know how - it would happen as God said and that his children should have this land and that in One all of nations of the earth would be blessed. This is called faith. 


1. What good man do you hear of today?
2. What did God tell Abram to do ?
3. What did God promise ?
4. Who were to have the land ?
5. Why was it strange to hear of his children ?
6. But did he believe it would come true?
7. Why did he believe it?
8. How did he show that he believed?
9. Where did he go?
10. What had he with him?
11. What did he live in?
12. What is a tent like?
13. What sort of place did he come to ?
14. Who were to have this land ?
15. How many were his children to be ?
16. Did he believe this?
17. What is believing called?

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