Friday, January 30, 2015

Abraham and Isaac

"Now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me." Genesis 22:12

Soon God's promise came true and Abraham had a son named Isaac. All the promises God had made were for Isaac's children after him. Abraham loved God and believed even more.  
But then God asked Abraham to do a strange thing. God told Abraham to take Isaac to the top of a hill and offer him to God as a sacrifice, as if he had been a calf or lamb. Abraham was shocked that God would ask him to do this wicked thing, but he knew that if God commanded it, there had to be a reason and he should obey. 
So they set out to the mountain together. Abraham carried the knife and a vessel with fire in it. Isaac carried the wood to start the fire on which the sacrifice would be burnt. While they were walking, Isaac said, "Father, we have fire and wood, but what about the lamb?" Abraham said, "God will provide the lamb." 
Isaac soon knew that he was to the be lamb, for his father put the wood in place and tied his hands, then took the knife. Isaac didn't complain or struggle. Like his father, he was willing to obey God. But just as Abraham had the knife ready, an angel called to him from Heaven and said, "Don't hurt the boy. Don't do anything to him. I know that you fear God because you haven't withheld your only son." 
Abraham untied his son and was as glad as if Isaac had risen from the dead. He saw a ram that was caught in a bush nearby, so he took the animal and offered it as a sacrifice instead of Isaac. In this way, God did provide a lamb for the offering. 
God blessed Abraham more and more, and promised again that his children should have the land and that in his Seed should all the nations of earth be blessed. That Seed was our Lord Jesus Christ, who was given by his Heavenly Father to die and then rise from the dead that all people might be saved by Him. 

1. What was the name of Abraham's son?
2. What had God promised Abraham ?
3. What had Abraham done at God's command ?
4. What was he to do ?
5. Whom did he obey ?
6. Where was he to go ?
7. Who went with him?
8. What did Isaac ask?
9. What did Abraham answer ?
10. Who seemed likely to be the lamb ?
11. What was Abraham just going to do?
12. Who called him?
13. What did the angel tell him ?
14. Why was God pleased with him ?
15. What blessing did God give him?

16. Who was to be his Seed in whom all nations should be blessed ?                

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