Sunday, January 25, 2015

The Ark Rests

"So Noah knew that the waters were abated from off the earth."    Genesis 8:2

Noah, his wife and their sons must have been very sad as the rain continued, the water grew deeper and deeper, and everybody and everything was drowned. There came a time when nothing could be seen but water. Everywhere they looked was sky and water. 
But when the rain ended, the sky was blue again. The sun shone during the day, the stars shone at night, and they must have been very glad.  
Finally the water lowered until the Ark wasn't floating but was stopped. It rested on the peak of a very high mountain. Soon the family could see the tops of other mountains around them. 
Noah opened the window of the Ark and let out a raven. He never saw the raven again. He waited a week, then let out  a dove. Doves like trees to rest in and they eat grains and seeds. The dove couldn't find a place to rest, so it returned to the Ark. 
Noah waited another week and let her go again. She few away but came back later with a spring of a an olive branch in her beak. 
It was the first green thing that Noah had seen for a year! Because of this sign, the olive branch has meant peace and good news ever since.  
Now Noah knew that the waters had gone down and that trees must have leaves again. Once more, after another week, he let out the dove, and she did not come back. She'd found a tree to make a home, and seeds to eat. 
Noah knew the sad time of the flood was over and the earth had been washed from all her stains. 


1. What was the Flood?
2. What was the Ark?
3. Who was in it ?
4. What had Noah with him in the Ark ?
5. What became of everyone else ?
6. Why ?
7. Why was Noah saved?
8. How long did the Flood last?
9. What birds did Noah send out of the Ark?
10. Which came back?
11. Why did not the raven come back?
12. What did the dove bring?
13. What was Noah sure of then ?
14. What had the earth been washed from?                      

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