Saturday, January 24, 2015

Adam and Eve Eat From the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil

"The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat." Gen. 3:13

You know God made the world and put a man and woman to live in it. The man was named Adam and the woman was named Eve. God gave them a beautiful garden to live in, full of trees and flowers; and they had no pain, no trouble, nothing to upset them. Only one thing God told them - there was one tree whose fruit they must not eat. They might eat the fruit of all the other trees, but not of that one. As long as they obeyed, all was well and happy with them. But if they ate it, they would die.     
But a bad spirit came and took the shape of the serpent and talked to Eve. He told her a wicked lie. He told her that eating the fruit would make her wise and she wouldn't die. Eve listened and did eat. And she gave some fruit to Adam, and he also ate. So they took the bad spirit for their master instead of the good God. Then God was angry with them, and made them leave the garden. They had to work, they became weak and sick, and died at last. 
It is a sad thing for them and for us because if they had been good and obeyed God and not the bad spirit, it would have been easy to us to be good, and we wouldn't have the devil tempting us to do wrong. We would never have known pain or sadness. But God pitied Adam and Eve, and us too. He promised them that the Seed that is, the Son of the woman, would bruise the serpent's head and set them and their children free. 
Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the Son of God, set us free when He died on the cross and rose again. Now we belong to Him and not to the bad spirit. We must asking Him to help us to do what is right and not what is wrong, as Eve did, or won't stay free from the power of the bad spirit. 


1. Who was the first man ?
2. Who was the first woman?
3. Where did God put them?
4. What was the one thing they might not do ?
5. What was to happen if they ate of that fruit ?
6. Who came and spoke to Eve ?
7. What shape did the bad spirit take ?
8. What did he tell Eve?
9. What did she do?
10. Whom did she make her master ?
11. What was done to punish her?
12. What sad things did the bad spirit bring on her?

13. Who came to set us free from the bad spirit ?                    

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