Saturday, January 24, 2015

The Garden of Eden

"And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." Genesis 2:7

In the Bible God tells us that He made the world and everything in it - land and water, and grass, flowers and trees, insects, birds and beasts, and last of all He made the first man and woman. 
The man was made by God out of the dust of the ground, and then God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and gave him a living soul. The woman was made by God out of the man's side. They were called Adam and Eve, and they were to be the first father and mother of everyone who was to be born into the world.   
The good God gave them a beautiful home in a garden with a clear river of water flowing through it and all kinds of delicious fruit trees and beautiful flowers growing in it. Nothing could hurt or upset them there. They didn't know what pain was, they were never tired, and all they had to do was to take care of the garden. They had no faults and never did wrong; and God Himself talked to them.   
That was the way they lived, always good and always happy, while they obeyed what God told them. In the middle of the garden grew two trees. One was the Tree of Life, and the other was the Tree of the Knowledge of good and evil. 
God told them that if they ate the fruit of this Tree of Knowledge they would die. We do not know what those trees were like, but we hope to see the Tree of Life as it grows in heaven, close to the river that flows by the Throne of God. When we see it and taste it, we'll live forever, and will be happier even than Adam and Eve in their garden. 
We won't be as happy as they were while we are living in this world; but if we will try to obey God and live holy lives, He will take us to heaven, and that will be still better than the Garden of Eden.       


1. What did God make?
2. Whom did He make?
3. What was the man made of ?
4. What was the woman made of ?
5. What did God breathe into them ?
6. What did He give them?
7. Why were they better than the beasts?
8. What was the man's name?
9. What was the woman's name?
10. Of whom were they the father and mother?
11. Where did they live?
12. What had they to do there?
13. What grew there?
14. What were the two important trees that grew there?
15. Which were they not to touch?
16. Where is the Tree of Life now?
17. When do we hope to see it?
18. What is a still happier place than the Garden of Eden ?

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