Monday, April 6, 2015

You Shalt Have No Other gods Before Me

"Ye shall walk after the Lord your God, and fear Him." Deut. 13:4

When the Israelites reached the land where God had led them, they were careful to not worship idols. Idols weren't gods at all - only wood and stone. They can't hear when you pray or give you what you want. The Israelites learned that the people in the land had frightening ways of trying to please their false gods.
They had one god called Moloch. His idol was made of brass and the people would sacrifice their children to him, all the while making noise with drums and trumpets so no one could hear the children crying.
Another god was called Baal. The people would set up images of Baal and hold a great feast. Another goddess they called Ashtoreth, or queen of heaven. Women would bake cakes in honor of her and dance for her. They believed she sent the moon to shine on them at night. 
The Israelites knew they weren't to worship any false gods. They were to remember how the One True God spoke to them out of a cloud and told them, "I am the Lord thy God - you shall have no other gods but me." God told them that if they worshiped him and served him, all would be well and they would be happy and blessed. But if they turned away and served these false idols, there would only be sorrow and misery.


1. Say the First Commandment.
2. Say the Second.
3. What three idols did the people of the country worship ?
4. What did they do in honour of Moloch ?
5. What did they do in honour of Baal ?
6. What did they call Ashtoreth ?
7. What did they think she sent them ?
8. Who made the moon ?
9. What would happen if the children of Israel worshipped God ?

10. What would happen if they worshipped idols ?

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