Friday, April 3, 2015

God Writes the Ten Commandments

"The Lord talked with you face to face in the mount out of the midst of the fire." Deuteronomy 5:4

When God spoke the Ten Commandments, he called Moses to speak with Him in the cloud. Moses was the only man that spoke to God this way. 
God gave him two blocks of stone where He'd written the Ten Commandments with His own finger. Then God told them to make a chest - an ark - to keep the commandments in. He told Moses to make it from wood, cover it with gold, and have two cherubims - angels - on each side. This chest was called the Ark of the Covenant. 
God told Moses to put the Ark inside of a room in a tent. He told him how to make the room, how to make the curtains for the tent and everything they would need to carry it with them. This was called the Tabernacle and it was a holy place. The Israelites could pray in front of the Tabernacle but they couldn't go inside because it was going to be God's holy place. The room where the Ark was kept was called the Holy of Holies. Only the priest God chose could enter that room.
The first High Priest God chose was Moses' brother, Aaron. God gave Moses instructions on how to make Aaron's clothing. He had a beautiful tunic to wear and a cap with a "Holiness to the Lord" etched on it. Aaron was also made an embroidered robe, decorated with bells and pomegranates and a blue scarf over his chest. He was to wear a breast plate and on it would be twelve precious stones, each carved with the name of a tribe of Israel. Then Aaron would always have them nearby, on his heart and his mind, when he prayed to God. 
God gave Moses all of these instructions while on the mountain, and Moses went back to the people to tell them what to do.


1. What was given to Moses on Mount Sinai?
2. Who spoke the Commandments ?
3. To whom did God give them ?
4. What were they written on ?
5. Who wrote them ?
6. Where were they to be kept ?
7. What was the chest like ?
8. What was the chest called ?
9. Where was Moses to put the chest ?
10. What was the room called ?
11. Who could go near the Holy of Holies?
12. Who was the first High Priest?
13. Who was Aaron?
14. What was Aaron supposed to wear?

15. Why couldn't the people come inside ?

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