Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Twelve Men Go Into Canaan

"It is a people that do err in their heart, and they have not known my ways." Psalm 95:10

After the commandments were given to the Israelites they continued on their journey. The ark where the commandments were kept was carried with them and God traveled with them. He made a pillar of cloud by day and fire by night so they could see him. 
When they came near to the land called Canaan Moses sent twelve men to see the land. They came back, carrying a large bunch of grapes between two of them on a pole. They said the land was full of strong cities and strong men. Some of the men said that they wouldn't be able to win the land and they would all be killed. Only two men, Joshua and Caleb, said they shouldn't fear because God had promised to save them and give them the land. The other people didn't listen and they cried out that they should have stayed in Egypt. They threw stones at Moses and Aaron when they tried to quiet them. 
God showed them His glory and would have abandoned them in that moment if Moses hadn't quickly prayed for them. Instead of abandoning them, God said no one who had said they would fail would enter into the land. They had to stay in the wilderness until all of the adult men, except Joshua and Caleb, had died and their children were grown. Then their children, who had learned to trust God and do as he said, would be the ones to live in the promised land.

1. How did the Israelites know which way to go in the wilderness ?
2. What was the ark ?
3. What was in it ?
4. How did God show them His Presence?
5. Whom did Moses send to look at the land ?
6. What did these men bring back?
7. But what did they say of the country?
8. Who were afraid ?
9. Why was it wrong to be afraid ?
10. Who only were not afraid ?
11. What were the people ready to do?
12. How were they punished ?
13. How long were they to stay in the wilderness ?
14. Who would die?
15. Who would grow up to go in?
16. Who were the two good brave men?

17. What was promised to Joshua and Caleb?

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