Saturday, April 4, 2015

Moses Destroys the Golden Calf

"Know therefore that the Lord thy God, He is God." Deut. 7:9

Moses stayed on Mount Sinai for 40 days. The Israelites didn't know what happened to him. They thought he'd died because he'd been gone for so long. Even though they'd heard God's voice speaking to them, they grew impatient and didn't want to wait. So they said they wanted something to worship since Moses was gone. They took their gold earrings and melted them down and made a golden calf. Then they began to worship this idol, and they sang, danced and had a feast. 
Moses came down off of Mount Sinai with the tablets God had written. He heard shouting and singing, then saw people dancing around the golden calf. He grew angry at them and threw the two tablets down on the ground. They broke into pieces. He punished the Israelites for disobeying and he broke the calf to pieces and ground it up.
Then he prayed to God to forgive them. God did, and Moses received two new tablets of stone with the commandments written on them.


1. Where did Moses go?
2. What was God going to give him ?
3. Who were left below ?
4. What did the Israelites want?
5. What did they make of their earrings ?
6. What is the Second Commandment ?
7. How did they break the Second Commandment ?
8. What did Moses do with the tablets?
11. Why did he throw them down?
12. What did he do with the golden calf?
13. What did he do then?

14. What did God do?

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