Wednesday, April 8, 2015

NEST Animated Stories From the New Testament (affiliate link)

The NEST Animated Stories from the New Testament helps educators and students develop a deeper understanding of Christianity. Joins hundreds of thousands of families and churches that love the NEST Complete Learning System collections for their portrayal of beloved Animated Bible Stories on interactive DVDs. 

The relationship between Jewish Messianic prophecies and the foundation of Christianity is presented through the life, miracles and parable teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. 

Core Christian beliefs such as salvation, prayer, Jesus' crucifixion, resurrection, ascension and ultimate return are also brought to life in these compelling animated stories. 

Finally, the spread of Christian beliefs beyond Judea through the life of Saul of Tarsus, his conversion to Christianity and, as the Apostle Paul, his subsequent missionary journeys through Asia Minor and Europe.

You also receive a free instant download activity book for each video in the Animated Stories from the New Testament Collection. These instant downloads free with your purchase, are full of Bible study resources including games, puzzles, coloring pages, and other activities. And the 3-level interactive Bible quiz included with each DVD will make learning enjoyable for the entire family!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Twelve Men Go Into Canaan

"It is a people that do err in their heart, and they have not known my ways." Psalm 95:10

After the commandments were given to the Israelites they continued on their journey. The ark where the commandments were kept was carried with them and God traveled with them. He made a pillar of cloud by day and fire by night so they could see him. 
When they came near to the land called Canaan Moses sent twelve men to see the land. They came back, carrying a large bunch of grapes between two of them on a pole. They said the land was full of strong cities and strong men. Some of the men said that they wouldn't be able to win the land and they would all be killed. Only two men, Joshua and Caleb, said they shouldn't fear because God had promised to save them and give them the land. The other people didn't listen and they cried out that they should have stayed in Egypt. They threw stones at Moses and Aaron when they tried to quiet them. 
God showed them His glory and would have abandoned them in that moment if Moses hadn't quickly prayed for them. Instead of abandoning them, God said no one who had said they would fail would enter into the land. They had to stay in the wilderness until all of the adult men, except Joshua and Caleb, had died and their children were grown. Then their children, who had learned to trust God and do as he said, would be the ones to live in the promised land.

1. How did the Israelites know which way to go in the wilderness ?
2. What was the ark ?
3. What was in it ?
4. How did God show them His Presence?
5. Whom did Moses send to look at the land ?
6. What did these men bring back?
7. But what did they say of the country?
8. Who were afraid ?
9. Why was it wrong to be afraid ?
10. Who only were not afraid ?
11. What were the people ready to do?
12. How were they punished ?
13. How long were they to stay in the wilderness ?
14. Who would die?
15. Who would grow up to go in?
16. Who were the two good brave men?

17. What was promised to Joshua and Caleb?

Monday, April 6, 2015

You Shalt Have No Other gods Before Me

"Ye shall walk after the Lord your God, and fear Him." Deut. 13:4

When the Israelites reached the land where God had led them, they were careful to not worship idols. Idols weren't gods at all - only wood and stone. They can't hear when you pray or give you what you want. The Israelites learned that the people in the land had frightening ways of trying to please their false gods.
They had one god called Moloch. His idol was made of brass and the people would sacrifice their children to him, all the while making noise with drums and trumpets so no one could hear the children crying.
Another god was called Baal. The people would set up images of Baal and hold a great feast. Another goddess they called Ashtoreth, or queen of heaven. Women would bake cakes in honor of her and dance for her. They believed she sent the moon to shine on them at night. 
The Israelites knew they weren't to worship any false gods. They were to remember how the One True God spoke to them out of a cloud and told them, "I am the Lord thy God - you shall have no other gods but me." God told them that if they worshiped him and served him, all would be well and they would be happy and blessed. But if they turned away and served these false idols, there would only be sorrow and misery.


1. Say the First Commandment.
2. Say the Second.
3. What three idols did the people of the country worship ?
4. What did they do in honour of Moloch ?
5. What did they do in honour of Baal ?
6. What did they call Ashtoreth ?
7. What did they think she sent them ?
8. Who made the moon ?
9. What would happen if the children of Israel worshipped God ?

10. What would happen if they worshipped idols ?

Sunday, April 5, 2015

"I prayed therefore unto the Lord, and said, O Lord God, destroy not Thy people and Thine inheritance." Deut. 9:26

After Moses destroyed the golden calf, he went back to Mount Sinai to the cloud again to pray to God. He prayed all night that God would forgive the people and not abandon them because of what they'd done. He prayed that God would once more give him the Commandments on the tablets again. God agreed and gave him the commandments again.
Then Moses asked, "I pray, show me your glory." 
God said, "You can't see my face, because no one can see me and live." He told Moses to come back the next day with two blocks of stone and Moses could see as much of God's glory as he could show.
The next day Moses returned to the mountain and brought the two blocks with him. God came down in the cloud and told Moses to hide in a small cleft in the rock. Moses was able to see a small part of God's glory. He heard God proclaim, "The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, long suffering and abundant in goodness and truth."
Moses bowed his head and worshipped God. No one was as close to God as Moses because God spoke to him face to face, like someone speaks with a friend.
Moses stayed 40 days and 40 nights on Mount Sinai. God wrote the commandments again on the two stone tablets and forgave the Israelites for what they'd done. 
When Moses came back from the mountain after being in conversation from God and the glory was still on his face. He shone like the sun and it was so bright that the people couldn't look at him. Moses had to put a veil over his face because no one could look at him. Moses was favored of God and brought into his glory.


1. What wicked thing had the Israelites done ?
2. Who prayed for their forgiveness ?
3. Where did Moses go to pray for their forgiveness ?
4. Who forgave them ?
5. What did Moses ask God to show him?
6. What did God say?
7. Where did Moses hide?
8. What passed by?
9. What voice did he hear?
10. How was Moses honored ?
11. How long did he stay on the mountain?
12. What did God give him again ?
13. How did his face look when he came down?
14. What did he do to hide his face?

15. Why was his face so glorious ?

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Moses Destroys the Golden Calf

"Know therefore that the Lord thy God, He is God." Deut. 7:9

Moses stayed on Mount Sinai for 40 days. The Israelites didn't know what happened to him. They thought he'd died because he'd been gone for so long. Even though they'd heard God's voice speaking to them, they grew impatient and didn't want to wait. So they said they wanted something to worship since Moses was gone. They took their gold earrings and melted them down and made a golden calf. Then they began to worship this idol, and they sang, danced and had a feast. 
Moses came down off of Mount Sinai with the tablets God had written. He heard shouting and singing, then saw people dancing around the golden calf. He grew angry at them and threw the two tablets down on the ground. They broke into pieces. He punished the Israelites for disobeying and he broke the calf to pieces and ground it up.
Then he prayed to God to forgive them. God did, and Moses received two new tablets of stone with the commandments written on them.


1. Where did Moses go?
2. What was God going to give him ?
3. Who were left below ?
4. What did the Israelites want?
5. What did they make of their earrings ?
6. What is the Second Commandment ?
7. How did they break the Second Commandment ?
8. What did Moses do with the tablets?
11. Why did he throw them down?
12. What did he do with the golden calf?
13. What did he do then?

14. What did God do?

Friday, April 3, 2015

God Writes the Ten Commandments

"The Lord talked with you face to face in the mount out of the midst of the fire." Deuteronomy 5:4

When God spoke the Ten Commandments, he called Moses to speak with Him in the cloud. Moses was the only man that spoke to God this way. 
God gave him two blocks of stone where He'd written the Ten Commandments with His own finger. Then God told them to make a chest - an ark - to keep the commandments in. He told Moses to make it from wood, cover it with gold, and have two cherubims - angels - on each side. This chest was called the Ark of the Covenant. 
God told Moses to put the Ark inside of a room in a tent. He told him how to make the room, how to make the curtains for the tent and everything they would need to carry it with them. This was called the Tabernacle and it was a holy place. The Israelites could pray in front of the Tabernacle but they couldn't go inside because it was going to be God's holy place. The room where the Ark was kept was called the Holy of Holies. Only the priest God chose could enter that room.
The first High Priest God chose was Moses' brother, Aaron. God gave Moses instructions on how to make Aaron's clothing. He had a beautiful tunic to wear and a cap with a "Holiness to the Lord" etched on it. Aaron was also made an embroidered robe, decorated with bells and pomegranates and a blue scarf over his chest. He was to wear a breast plate and on it would be twelve precious stones, each carved with the name of a tribe of Israel. Then Aaron would always have them nearby, on his heart and his mind, when he prayed to God. 
God gave Moses all of these instructions while on the mountain, and Moses went back to the people to tell them what to do.


1. What was given to Moses on Mount Sinai?
2. Who spoke the Commandments ?
3. To whom did God give them ?
4. What were they written on ?
5. Who wrote them ?
6. Where were they to be kept ?
7. What was the chest like ?
8. What was the chest called ?
9. Where was Moses to put the chest ?
10. What was the room called ?
11. Who could go near the Holy of Holies?
12. Who was the first High Priest?
13. Who was Aaron?
14. What was Aaron supposed to wear?

15. Why couldn't the people come inside ?